I always treat September is like New Year’s Part 2. This year Lolo starts pre-school, MG goes back to school and I go back to WORK, work work, work, work work (thank you Rihanna). One of the ways I’m preparing for the new season is with some must-read books for mama hustlers which will inspire and refocus my steps towards slaying my career while juggling the demands and joys of motherhood. So, I thought I’d share my reading list with you, so you can rock it too.
ONE. LITTLE BLACK BOOK: A Toolkit for Working Women
I’m particularly excited about this, as my copy has just arrived. It is packed with tips and ideas for women, who like me are working in the creative industry whether newbies or veterans. It includes things like creating a personal brand, money manegement and networking, as well as a host of contributions from other creative women. I cannot wait to get stuck in.

TWO. MUMBOSS: The Honest Mum’s Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
Vicki Psarias, Founder of the award-winning blog Honestmum.com has penned her first book, a guide to achieving work-life balance, so you can mix motherhood with your business. It’s all about confidence, passion and thriving in both the digital and real worlds AND topping best seller charts for female-penned business books. I can’t wait to read this one, especially as I relish the label ‘Mumboss’ for myself and Vicki is an all around good egg.

Shout out to my fellow ‘Scandal fans’, or maybe ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ is more your cuppa tea. Either way, Shonda Rhimes, the Creator and Executive Producer behind these TV blockbusters and so many more, shares how saying “yes” changed her life. A single mum to 3 kids, she was challenged by her sister to overcome her introvertness and embrace the challenge of saying yes to everything that scared her. This is a memoir, I know will as gripping and empowering as any of her shows.

I first heard about this book at a General Assembly talk titled ‘Kickass Women Slaying the Creative Industry’, it came recommended by one of the panellist who said it is a must-read. The blurb gives the impression, this is the hustlers dream guide to pursuing passions, even when you have your main 9-5 to contend with. It’s about channeling an entrepreneurial spirit, so that you inch your way towards success, working less and creating more.

and that’s my lot for now. Great reads that will equip me with practical steps and ideas to making my dreams and passions come to fruition, while maintaining a balance with my family life. Win Win Winning!!
What’s on your mama hustler reading list? Have you read any on mine? Let me know in the comments.
Yvadney x