Well mamas, I have such a treat for you today and interview with vlogger Candice Brathwaite, mama, vlogger, baker, children’s clothes maker and vintage maven. She is the epitome of Mums That Slay and proof that all good things come in small packages (she’s tiny). Here she talks about embracing your body shape, wearing false eyelashes, making that paper and finding style inspiration in her daughter.

How has motherhood changed your style?
I feel as though I’ve been upgraded. Prior to becoming a mum, I viewed style as being measured by if I had purchased the latest ‘hot’ item or Nike release. Post baby and baby body, I really took the time out to think about the woman I wanted to be. Not the one that I am. There is nothing wrong with dressing for the future you. So my style is more stripped back, I purchase for the love and not for the Instagram picture. And I finally dress to suit my shape, which makes shopping such an easy task. I no longer have to fight with skinny jeans in the changing room because they just don’t look great on me. And that is fine because I’ve found what does.
You have £20 in your pocket and fancy a style pick me up what do you buy?
A Yankee Candle. While it is not something I could wear, time has taught me that your style should extend to your surroundings, ambience and in turn; lifestyle. Whilst I struggle to find alone time, when I do a sweet smelling Yankee candle really makes my day.
Who’s your ultimate style mum?
Without hesitation, I can say, June Ambrose. Her ability to blend styles and patterns which on paper wouldn’t be deemed as cohesive always blows me away. Second to that to raise two children and still be dedicated to her craft (which is styling) is a something I look up to. And she gave us Missy Elliot in that black bin bag! I mean, there is no one greater.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve found to maintain in your beauty regime?
Honestly, I struggle with just making ‘me’ time. I tell myself that every Sunday, I am going to sit down and do a plethora of beautifying/detoxification but it rarely happens. Second to that the hardest thing to maintain is cleansing my face after washing my make-up off. Who knew that washing your face with specific face washes doesn’t actually clean it?!
What are your can’t live without beauty/ skincare products?
Referencing the above, definitely Micellar Water. The left over junk it removes after washing my face is just remarkable. Also although I’m making a conscious effort to wear my glasses more, I cannot live without false eyelashes. Since first using them five years ago, they’ve become a daily staple I use to complete my make up look.

Where do you like to shop for your daughter?
I’m such a sucker for Primark! Especially for her nursery clothes which she has very little respect for. Second to that for special pieces, TK MAXX rock our world. I recently scored her some rubber, waterproof, velcro strap Timberland boots (I know!!!!) and they’ve quickly become our firm favourite for winter footwear.
Does she enjoy fashion as much as you?
Yes! She has taken to looking at what I’m wearing and then seeing how she can replicate the look. But the inspiration works both ways. It broke my heart when she started to wear glasses shortly before her 2nd birthday. But they’ve become such a playful accessory for her (she has 6 pairs) that it’s encouraged me to ditch my contact lenses more often and get our Iris Apfel on; together.
What’s in your handbag?
Ohhh gurl, how much time do I have? The standard things kleenex, tampons and a fistful of receipts that I will never need but feel safe holding onto. But I also carry a mini tripod so I can film my kid on the go, Burts Bees lip balm for Esme cause she constantly needs a top up, a fork (too many salads have gone to waste because I didn’t have one), Mont Blanc pen, two oyster cards and my iPhone charger.

What is your favourite style decade?
The 1950’s for sure. Its the first decade to truly respect my body type and I’m grateful for that. Those full skirts and nipped in waists always send me into a style frenzy. I feel like that decade showed women how to be sexy without showing anything but an ankle and neckline. In this hyper naked age, I always reference that period when wanting to feel my best.
What are your 3 tips for buying vintage?
- My first tip is: get ready to rumble! Be dressed casually with a cross body bag so you can really have your hands free to explore.
- Secondly, look past these expensive pay to enter ‘vintage fairs’ in turn for rummaging around in your local charity shop or better yet a charity shop in an affluent area (the OXFAM on high street Kensington is always awash with Chanel!)
- Lastly, be prepared to make modifications and do a little DIY. The items you’ll fall in love with would have once been in love with someone else and the quality may reflect that.

Tell me about ‘Candies Corner’
Candie’s Corner is actually my Youtube channel that was born out of a need to watch content that I couldn’t find. So I made sure to create the kind of content that would be helpful to younger mums on a mission. it’s also another reason to not be idle. Being a stay at home mum can really think that you’ve lost touch with the world and what you have to offer. Putting out a minimum of three videos a week keeps my creative juices flowing.
Beyond that I’m working with my sister on a children’s wear line named EsMi. Again the idea was born out wanting a specific type of clothing for our kids that we just couldn’t find. It’s been a hell of a journey thus far but yesterday we hired our Head Seamstress. Having worked for McQueen and Westwood, we couldn’t have found anyone greater.
Your biggest fear going for these dreams?
With both my YouTube Channel and the children’s wear line, my biggest fear are my dreams getting bigger than I imagined. I’m such a control freak. But already I’m running featured ad’s in my videos and we are underway with production of samples for the line. I love to say things in jest but the universe has a clever way of quickly delivering what you work hard for. I’m just hoping I have the time to keep up.
Your proudest moment?
So many things. Delivering the kid, completing an ultra marathon, working for the number one publishing house in the world. But honestly, those things are all in hindsight. My proudest moment is having the guts to get on with things even though every minute of the day I’m being shot a curveball. My proudest moment hasn’t even happened yet.

What is a Mum That Slays?
A mother that takes all that motherhood has taught her and flips that into some dollar bills. True story. I could’ve ended that on a saccharine note but I’d rater keep it real. Ladies, being a mother need not deter you from making those dreams happen. Even when you’re in-between bottles and nap time, keep working on yourself cause nothing is more important.
Wow, what a powerhouse Candice is. If you loved seeing her style, show some love in the comments below or check out my @MumsThatSlay_Crew Instagram page to celebrate the mama style of a whole load of wonderful mums.
Yvadney x
Linking up with Brilliant Blog Posts
Ah Candice sounds like a lot of fun! I love her attitude on life so refreshing!
She is so fun xx
What a beautiful little girl and Mama! I love that now your a Mama your style is based on a love not the latest designer item! ox
Exactly, I love them both too x
Such a lovely read, she really is slaying this whole mum business!
Thank you x
Great interview! I love anyone whose handbag contents so closely resemble my own! Definitely agree that a beautiful smelling candle makes ALL the difference even if it’s just for a few minutes of relax time!
Thanks and yes candle queen here too xx
I love her attitude of not allowing motherhood to take over your life as we’ve all probably been guilty of forgetting about ourselves. Micellar water is also one of my favourite products!
I know wise words huh, I’m with you on Micellar. X
I really need to take note from Candice! Since becoming a mother I feed like I don’t know who I am or want to be anymore. Everything I do or buy is baby related. I also need to focus on my goals. I love Candice’s attitude and spirit it’s so warming! xx
Once you get over the hump, you’ll be plain sailing. One day you’ll wake up, clap your hands together and be ready to slay xx
Loved this!! She really is bossing it, I can barely keep up with the kids and housework over here
she’s amazing x