It’s such an honour to have the wonderful Mama Sunita, lifestyle blogger over at Lucky Things Blog write a guest post for me. Sunita also runs Collective Insight, a HR consultancy, loves her music and bright style. An ex-DJ, she’s now having fun at lounge discos with her two little girls. Here she share her thoughts on what slay means to her.
Over to you Sunita.
It was fun thinking about what slay means to me, thanks to Yvadney who set up the inspiring #MumsThatSlay hashtag over on Instagram. Here we go…
I love that confidence is down to the individual. That’s why I spoke about confidence at the last #Lucky Things Meet Up. I talked about how it’s important to find your own version of confidence.
For me, confidence is about reminding myself about ‘my WOW moments’ (when I know I’ve done good), ‘preparation’ so I feel comfortable about something I need to do and lastly, reminding myself that if things don’t go to plan that’s OK.
I feel I’ve been through enough major setbacks in my life to give myself a break through the smaller setbacks.
This has taken me years to master. Before when I received a compliment I would never really accept it. The shy part of me chose to digress and move the attention away from me. So I’d reply with a “Oh yes, this dress, yes it was a bargain” or a “Oh no, not me, I’m really XYZ….”
Nowadays, I love compliments – bring them on! I gladly say thank you and yes they make me feel great.
Slay is about empowering myself. I didn’t know I could feel OK and look OK in that old dress from years ago. I didn’t know I could do that (usually after ages wondering whether to give something a go). I certainly didn’t know I’d be OK with injections after going through IVF treatment.

Recently I wrote about Celebrating Your Culture. I am so proud about my roots. I am proud my girls are half-Mauritian, Half-Brummy-English.
For my degree dissertation I had fun researching about South-Asian girl’s love of R&B and Hip Hop. Yes, I got to go clubbing as part of my degree!! I was one of the few female and South-Asian DJs in my twenties. I loved our Hindu wedding; you get to dress up as a true sparkly princess. I felt super proud this Diwali just gone as three-year old Big Munch loved wearing her Indian princess outfit.
I grew up in a very suburban town and boy did I stand out. Then I stood out as I chose to wear my own style. I was bullied at school for how I looked. I hung out in London as much as I could at the weekends as I loved how London loves difference. Any style rocks in London town.
In my teens I soon discovered charity shops – and then London vintage. I somehow created my own style, usually involving bright colours (maybe it’s my Mauritian roots). My school mates used to say “you can get away with wearing that”. Never quite knew whether that was a good or bad thing!
To this day I’m still not that good at following fashion. Instagram has kept me more up-to-date with trends though. My own style is also created by the fact I rarely buy things at full price so when I’m buying things they have to have what I call wearability. This means they have to be timeless for my wardrobe and need to fit in with my outfits. When I buy things, they are basically out of season!
Slay means to impress. I know it’s important to impress myself so I do set myself little (mostly manageable) goals to remind myself what I can do. If I don’t try, I’ll never know if something could have worked; whether it’s a new outfit I’ve conjured up or a gathering for life and style bloggers!
Now I’ve got to give my own HR and people development consultancy a go. It’s called Collective Insight. I’m definitely a connector and a collaborator – the more we work as a collective, the more we slay!
Ah this is something I love. I kind of feel I’m empowering others to slay! I’ve been working in HR and people development side of things for over 15 years now. I love it when people feel better about who they are, their talents and what they’re capable of. It’s so lovely to energise people and see how they inspire themselves.
Lucky Things blog is all about enjoying the important things in life and appreciating how lucky we are. That’s also what slaying is about.

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What does Slay mean to you? No we’re not talking about dungeons and dragons here. Share your thoughts below.
Yvadney x
Linking up with Saturday Share Link Up
Very inspiring!!
Two of my favourite ladies: Yvadney and Sunita!
With you on the accepting compliments, I have only just learned to accept them without adding a disclaimer!
Hope you’ll be DJing soon at a #LuckyThingsMeetUp!
Kat x
Thank you Kat and yes here’s to accepting compliments x